2020 CWD webinar-1

Session 1: Biology Basics

      • Prion biology 101

      • What is CWD and prion disease

      • Deer genetics and prion strains

      • CWD progression and transmission

Peer-reviewed manuscripts:

Links on authors' names and PDFs below.

First scientific description of prions - Prusiner, 1982

Early description of CWD as a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy - Williams and Young, 1980

Deer genetics and CWD - Vazquez-Miranda and Zink, 2020

CWD strain variation and evolution - Velasquez et.al, 2020

CWD oral exposure dose - Denkers et. al, 2020

CWD prevalence, distribution, and transmission - Rivera et.al, 2019

First scientific description of prions.pdf
Early description of CWD as a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy.pdf
Deer genetics and CWD.pdf
CWD strain variation and evolution.pdf
CWD prevalence, distribution, and transmission.pdf