2020 CWD webinar-3
Session 3: The Human Factor
Session 3: The Human Factor
Where CWD is
What you can do about it
Risk to human health
Human dimensions of CWD management
Dr. Debbie McKenzie (U of Alberta) presents a webinar on prions, CWD strains, and potential implications for the species barrier.
Peer-reviewed manuscripts:
Peer-reviewed manuscripts:
Species barrier of CWD overview - Osterholm et.al, 2019
Human prion protein conversion - Barria et.al, 2018
CWD prions in muscle - Angers et.al, 2006
Human prion disease and associated risk of CWD - MaWhinney et. al, 2006
Group exposure to CWD positive venison - Olszowy et. al, 2014
Bleach inactivation of CWD prions on stainless steel - Williams et.al, 2019